Mt Monger Gold Project
Mount Monger Gold, Western Australia
Location, Access and Infrastructure
The Mount Monger gold project is 43km east of Kambalda and approximately 70km by road from Kalgoorlie (Figure 1). The project consists of tenement E25/525 and E25/565
The project is adjacent to excellent infrastructure. It is 8km east from the currently operating 1.2Mtpa Randalls gold mill and 4.2km west of the Maxwells open pit presently being mined. Access is via the all-weather Mt Monger Road.

Figure 1: Mount Monger Project Location and Regional Geology
Local Geology and Mineralisation
On a regional scale Accelerate’s Mount Monger project area is covered by the Mount Belches 1:100,00 map sheet of the south-eastern Eastern Goldfields Province of the Yilgarn Craton. The Eastern Goldfields comprises a series of attenuated greenstone belts intruded by, and interstitial to, similarly elongate granitoid plutons and complexes. Anastomosing regional scale faults, mostly of sinistral strike-slip shear, dissect the province, but broad-scale stratigraphic correlations persist across these faults.
The regional stratigraphy comprises a lower basaltic unit, overlain by komatiite, followed by an upper basalt unit (with komatiitic affinities), and then a sequence of felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. Clastic sedimentary rocks unconformably overlie this sequence. The komatiite is interpreted as a regional marker that extends across the Eastern Goldfields, but other units vary laterally, and localized felsic volcanic rocks occur at numerous intervals throughout the sequence.
The Mount Monger project area is underlain to the east by mafic-ultramafic rocks comprising the Bulong Anticline of the Norseman-Wiluna greenstone belt, and to the west by the Mount Belches Beds, an Archaean sequence of siltstones, sandstones, greywackes and banded iron formations (BIFs). The Mount Belches Beds and Bulong Anticline are separated by the major north-south trending Bare Hill Shear (BHS), which passes through, and is the interpreted source of mineralisation at the, Kiaki Soaks Prospect. Known mineralisation within the Bulong Anticline at Mount Monger is found in most units, with shearing and lithological contacts being an important feature, as at the BHS target. Figure 1 presents an overview of the regional geology.
Previous Work
The most focused gold exploration of the Mount Monger Project was predominantly undertaken by Ramsgate, Aurion and later Integra and Silver Lake. Exploration, from the mid 1990’s to 2005. This led to the discovery of the gold mineralisation at the Kiaki Soaks gold prospect. Most of the other companies, including Crest Resources and Hampton Hill, who held tenure over parts of the Mount Monger project, focused their exploration on other prospect areas outside the current tenure.
Gold mineralisation so far has been intersected over a 2,500 m approximately north-south trending zone within a section of the Bare Hill shear zone. Within the central 300 m section of the main target zone, several gold intersections were noted in the historical aircore and RAB drilling and in the angled RCP drilling. This included a significant intersection in KIRC007 (which was interpreted to have been drilled down-dip), and was subsequently followed up with scissor RCP and one diamond drill hole.
Exploration Potential and Planned Work
A review of the historic drilling data by POZ, vendor of tenement E25/525, identified a lode gold target at the Kiaki Soaks Prospect within the E25/525 tenement area.
A further exploration work program will be planned and implemented to test the strike extension of gold mineralization north of the Kiaki Soaks prospect.