Comet Gold Project
Located approximately 115 km south-southwest of Meekatharra and 20 km southeast of Cue, the Comet Gold Project comprises 5 granted exploration licenses and 2 exploration application licences covering 269Km2 (Figure 1).
The Comet Gold Project is situated in the Murchison Gold Province, a renowned gold-producing region producing more than 30 Moz of historic production. Notable gold mines within the vicinity of the project include Big Bell, Cuddingwarra, Day Dawn and Tuckabianna.
The Comet Mine Road provides access to the central and southern parts of the licence from the great Northern Highway.
Figure 1: Comet Project tenure and location

The project lies immediately to the north and along strike of Westgold’s Comet gold mine and covers part of the Meekatharra to Mount Magnet Greenstone belt, located at the southern end of the Tuckabianna Shear Zone.
Gold intersections at Comet East confirm a robust geological model extending gold mineralisation down dip and along strike. Significant results include:
Exploration Results
Historic results:
- PRB305 4m at 7.08 g/t gold from 27m
- PRC269 3m at 4.53 g/t gold from 60m
Accelerate results:
- 20CORC002 9m @ 3.89 g/t gold from 34m
- 20CORC003 6m @ 1.11 g/t gold from 30m
- 20CORC019 6m @ 2.29 g/t gold from 44m, including 1m @ 4.54 g/t from 45m, and 1m @ 3.46 g/t from 47m
- 20CORC024 6m @ 1.45 g/t gold from 50m, including 2m @ 3.55g/t from 50m
- 20CORC021 1m @ 4.74 g/t gold from 62m
- 20CORC022 3m @ 3.10 g/t gold from 13m, including 1m @ 6.35 g/t from 13m
Figure 2. Comet East Prospect. Drillhole locations and significant drill intersections over magnetics.

Figure 3. Comet East oblique sections C to C’ (Figure 2)